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Description: This tab content script uses Ajax to let you display a selection of external content on your page inside a DIV and via CSS tabs! We got our inspiration for this script from Yahoo's new homepage, which employs such a concept to show news in an organized fashion. Below lists the features of this script that together make it highly adaptable in the real world:
Fetch and display an external page (from the same domain) inside a container when a tab is clicked on.
Add a "default" content inside the container to either be shown while no tabs are selected, or to be associated with a specific tab. The default content is added directly to your page and not fetched via Ajax, for sake of server efficiency.
For each tab, you can not only fetch an external page to be shown, but also load external .css and .js files associated with that page if desired.
Supports multiple Ajax Tabs Contents on the same page.
Fully unobtrusive, search engine friendly script. The tabs are simply list based links. For search engines or browsers with JavaScript disabled, the contents will just load as actual pages (instead of inline via Ajax).
Ajax Tabs Content script - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
author: dynamic driveutile script per menu ajax:
Roberto Saviano non ha paura di andare a indagare su scala mondiale
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