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Di Admin (del 16/07/2007 alle 23:11:03, in Web Design , Letto 1517 volte)
Nuova versione e molto interessante:
After researching every single modal window, lightbox, slimbox, etc out there nothing fit the bill. Granted some of them were very nice but only fit a specific purpose, others were a nightmare on the code end, and others were just hacks of another. None of them truly supported all of the features we needed and those that were close could not be easily adapted without a bottle of Prozac near by.
Other caveats were the complete lack of ability to style and position the system, and the insane over-kill of some of the systems trying to reproduce either another desktop (As if most computer users aren't confused enough) or the reproduction of a popup window (Show me someone who likes popup windows...). Lastly, most people didn't actually test for their media types and how they behaved in other browsers and operating systems (Yes the movies and Flash work in Firefox for the Mac).
Backwards Compatibility: Tested in Windows Firefox/IE6/IE7/Safari3/Opera & Mac Firefox/Safari/Opera/Netscape (Keep in mind my theme that I have provided can be changed and the advanced level of the theme has an effect on browser compatibility).
LightWindow v2.0 - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
nuova versione molto interessante:after researching every single modal window lightbox slimbox etc out there nothin... -
nuova, versione, molto, interessante:after, researching, every, single, modal, window, lightbox, slimbox, etc, out, there, nothing...
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