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nov 21 mer
Search Engine Ratings & Stats
This section of Search Engine Watch shows how search engines are performing in various areas.
U.S. Search Engine Rankings, September 2007 - Nov 20, 2007 Top core search engines and leading engines by share of searches in the U.S. for September 2007.
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, October 2007 - Nov 14, 2007 The industry breakdown of ad placements and unit types and the top 25 companies placing sponsored links.
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, October 2007 - Nov 5, 2007 The month's top search terms in 10 categories.
Most Searchers Have Two Words for Google - Nov 1, 2007 A higher percentage of searches contain two words than one, three, or more word phrases.
Top 10 U.S. Search Providers, September 2007 - Oct 26, 2007 The top 10 search engines and search providers by the number of users and share of total searches.
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, September 2007 - Oct 19, 2007 The industry breakdown of ad placements and unit types and top 25 companies placing sponsored links.
Worldwide Internet: Now Serving 61 Billion Searches per Month - Oct 15, 2007 Ninty-five percent of the worldwide Internet audience conducted searches in August.
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, September 2007 - Oct 9, 2007 The month's top search terms in 10 categories.
Top 10 Search Providers, August 2007 - Sep 25, 2007 The top 10 search engines and search providers by the number of users and share of total searches.
Internet Yellow Pages Continues to Grow User Base - Sep 18, 2007 The Internet Yellow Pages saw a 27 percent year-over-year increase in usage between 2005 and 2006.
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, August 2007 - Sep 17, 2007 The industry breakdown of ad placements and unit types and top 25 companies placing sponsored links.
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, August 2007 - Sep 14, 2007 A look at the month's top search terms in 10 categories.
Top 10 Search Providers, July 2007 - Aug 30, 2007 The top 10 search engines and search providers by the number of users and share of total searches
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, July 2007 - Aug 23, 2007 The industry breakdown of ad placements and unit types and top 25 companies placing sponsored links.
Customer Satisfaction with Search Engines - Aug 14, 2007 Yahoo surpasses Google in Customer Satisfaction Index for its offerings, though Google still rules in terms of search.
Top 10 Search Providers, June 2007 - Aug 13, 2007 The top 10 search engines and search providers by the number of users and share of total searches.
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, June 2007 - Jul 24, 2007 The month's top search terms in 10 categories.
Advertising Placements by Industry and Top Sponsored Links, June 2007 - Jul 13, 2007 The industry breakdown of ad placements and unit types and top 25 companies placing sponsored links.
Top 10 Search Terms in 10 Categories, May 2007 - Jun 26, 2007 A look at the month's top search terms in 10 categories.
Top 10 Search Providers, April 2007 - Jun 19, 2007 The top 10 search engines and search providers by the number of users and share of total searches.
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Search Engine Ratings & Stats - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
this section search engine watch shows how search engines are performing various areas. href="http://searchenginewatch.com/3627654" onclick="s_obje... -
this, section, search, engine, watch, shows, how, search, engines, are, performing, various, areas., u.s., search...
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questa foto in verità non mi dice nulla.....non mi emoziona affatto
07/05/2012 alle 13:48:56Di gil
Io utilizzo il pacchetto CMSCloud di www.Server.it e va da dio! :)
29/04/2012 alle 16:19:53Di antonio
Questi dati sono davvero interessanti...Ma nel 2012 quale sarà il trend effettivo?
29/12/2011 alle 11:04:33Di Francesco
Articolo di notevole importanza, ben fatto, è utilissimo leggerlo, grazie
04/11/2011 alle 16:52:13Di siti internet
Questo sito e' fantastico! me lo metto nei miei favoriti. Rende la possibilita' di fare dei viaggi f...
25/10/2011 alle 17:01:21Di Rosa
Ottimo post
03/10/2011 alle 00:01:14Di Siti Internet Online
Ottimo suggerimento Paolo. Questi template sono molto utili e soprattutto fanno risparmiare un sacco...
05/09/2011 alle 10:21:01Di AntonioMecca
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16/06/2011 alle 12:25:06Di AGCube
ho inserito un nuovo video su youtube, "Scrittori di Sardegna, sottofondo cafe del mar" http://www.y...
06/06/2011 alle 12:53:40Di mrsantino71
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05/06/2011 alle 21:27:48Di tatiana
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19/05/2011 alle 15:34:33Di mariello
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14/05/2011 alle 12:16:15Di Helmut Holzenbein
Ciao!Siamo l redazione di Uniroma tv. Visto il tema del tuo blog credo ti possa interessare il servi...
12/05/2011 alle 10:42:17Di Uniroma.tv
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11/05/2011 alle 16:19:33Di francesco
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10/05/2011 alle 15:20:41Di Mariella
Ho vinto qualcheccosa?!?!
20/04/2011 alle 19:26:52Di AG Cube
18/04/2011 alle 18:47:47Di paola
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22/03/2011 alle 14:07:44Di silvia
Avete mai provato Wide.it (vedi link)? Mi sapete dare un parere??
16/03/2011 alle 17:55:17Di Hosting Wordpress
04/03/2011 alle 17:19:17Di j4ck86
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