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AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries - Definitions

Di  (del 29/11/2007 alle 11:21:09, in Web Design , Letto 1220 volte)

Un elenco interessante per definire la vostra figura professionale:

Solo designer

A freelance or self-employed design professional who works independently of a company and has no employees.

Owner, partner, principal

An owner, partner, principal holds an equity position and has major business responsibility for a firm having employees.

Creative/design director

A creative director or design director is the creative head of a design firm, advertising agency or an in-house corporate design department. In all of these areas, key responsibilities can include the development of graphic design, advertising, communications and industrial design publications.

Art director

The art director establishes the conceptual and stylistic direction for design staff and orchestrates their work, as well as the work of production artists, photographers, illustrators, prepress technicians, printers and anyone else who is involved in the development of a project. The art director generally selects vendors and, if there isn’t a creative director on staff, has final creative authority.

Senior designer

The senior designer is responsible for conceptualization and design of solutions from concept to completion. In some firms, a senior designer directs the work of one or more junior designers who generate comps and create layouts and final art. In some cases, senior designers do not manage staff but are designated “senior” because of their authority in design decision-making.


A designer is responsible for conceptualization and design of graphic applications such as collateral material, environmental graphics, books and magazines, corporate identity, film titling and multimedia interfaces, from concept to completion.

Entry-level designer

An entry-level designer is one-to-two years out of school and requires mentoring in all aspects of design conception and implementation.

Print production artist

A print production artist has a working understanding of layout, type and color, and is able to take instructions from a designer and create a complete layout, working proficiently in InDesign, QuarkXPress, Photoshop and Illustrator. Responsibilities also include producing final files that image properly to film.

Web designer

A web designer determines and develops the look and feel for sites, and is responsible for site navigation design and visual execution.


A copywriter is able to write, edit and proof promotional or publicity copy for print or electronic publications. At higher levels, copywriters are often responsible for strategic and conceptual development of messages and stories.

Print production manager

The print production manager is responsible for managing the process (bids, scheduling, production and delivery) of producing publications, from concept through production, including photography, separations, 4-color press work and digital production. Print production managers are strong project managers, managing multiple jobs simultaneously. In some cases, proficiency in InDesign, QuarkXPress, Illustrator and Photoshop is desirable in this role.

Marketing manager, new business manager, director

A marketing or new business professional is responsible for seeking business opportunities, developing proposals and marketing the firm’s practices.

Web developer (front end/interface systems)

A front-end developer uses HTML/JavaScript/ASP/ColdFusion and other tools to develop static and dynamic web pages.

Web programmer/developer (back end systems)

A back end programmer works with web server systems and web databases, develops web queries to databases and programs web applications.

Web producer, senior producer, executive producer

A web producer organizes web development teams and ensures adherence to budget, schedule and design of website development.

Content developer

A content developer is also known as a web writer or editor. He or she is responsible for the production and repurposing of text/graphic/audio content on sites.

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AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries - Definitions - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro - elenco interessante per definire vostra figura professionale:
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Creare con passione, inventare nel segno dell'esperienza decennale, offrire il miglior design al vostro sito-web per renderlo sorprendente durante la navigazione, accattivante, semplice ed efficace in ogni suo aspetto...
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