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Di Admin (del 11/12/2007 alle 10:31:15, in Flash, Letto 2192 volte)
FL909 attempts to simulate the original sound of the Roland TR-909. This drumcomputer hits the market 1984 and was a long time the state of art in house and techno productions. Shift-Click the Step-buttons for accent triggers. Shift-Click-Move knobs for smoother resolution. Press Save to store a snapshot of the current settings to a flash cookie. Restore snapshot by pressing Load. Clear to delete all patterns and reset all knobs. Drag and drop a pattern button (invisible) to copy a pattern to a new location.
Roland TR-909 - Un bel sequencer - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
fl909 attempts simulate the original sound the roland tr-909. this drumcomputer hits the market 198... -
fl909, attempts, simulate, the, original, sound, the, roland, tr-909., this, drumcomputer, hits, the, market, 1984...
Chi va piano va sano e lontano, chi va forte arriva prima...
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