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Di Admin (del 16/01/2008 alle 12:47:49, in Web Marketing, Letto 1022 volte)
In the world of free, pricing isn’t given much attention. But if you’re looking for a real, sustainable business, it’s unavoidable. Paul Farnell’s gone through it all with his app Litmus and breaks it down for you in Vitamin - How to price your web application.
Paul Farnell mentioned that pricing is always somewhat of a black art, and a subject about which there is precious little written with regard to web applications. It’s something he has always been fascinated by. The question of how to price our web application, Litmus, was subject to countless hours of discussion. He will discuss some common factors and hopefully help spark some ideas which can help you decide upon the price of your own application.
Vitamin - How to Price Your Web Application - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
the world free pricing isn’t given much attention. but you’re looking for real sustainable busines... -
the, world, free, pricing, isn’t, given, much, attention., but, you’re, looking, for, real, sustainable, business...
A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining and wants it back the minute it begins to rain.
Creare con passione, inventare nel segno dell'esperienza decennale, offrire il miglior design al vostro sito-web per renderlo sorprendente durante la navigazione, accattivante, semplice ed efficace in ogni suo aspetto... Arte, creatività e professionalità si fondono per dar vita alla vostra strategia di successo, prima ancora di scegliere quale piattaforma o servizio tecnico utilizzare: se state per progettare o riprogettare il vostro sito web o il vostro blog saremo felici di aiutarvi.
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