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Di Admin (del 24/04/2008 alle 10:18:59, in Web Design , Letto 1584 volte)
Aggiornato JW IMAGE ROTATOR alla versione 3.16, assolutamente da utilizzare per veloci slideshow flash multimediali:
This text will be replaced
The JW Image Rotator (built with Adobe's Flash) enables you to show a couple of photos in sequence, with fluid transitions between them. It supports rotation of an RSS, XSPF or ASX playlists with JPG, GIF and PNG images, a wide range of flashvars (variables) for tweaking both behavior and appearance and an extensive javascript API.
You can download the imagerotator by clicking the button. It includes all the source files (Flash 8), in case you want to change anything. A list of previous versions can be found below.
JW IMAGE ROTATOR 3.16 - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
aggiornato image rotator alla versione 3.16 assolutamente utilizzare per veloci slideshow flash multimedia... -
aggiornato, image, rotator, alla, versione, 3.16, assolutamente, utilizzare, per, veloci, slideshow, flash, multimediali:this, text, will...
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