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Di Admin (del 15/05/2008 alle 16:00:06, in Web Design , Letto 1030 volte)
Una bella lista dei 100 migliori siti che trattano di user-centered, web design, accessibilità, web standard e interfacce web. Eccovi i primi 10:
The Top 10
These blogs are the best of the best when it comes to user-centered discussions.
Signal vs. Noise: Written by 37signals, the makers of simple, elegant tools like Ta-da List and Basecamp, this blog discusses up-to-the-minute information on design, experience, simplicity, and more.
456 Berea Street: Visit this very popular blog for insight into the world of web standards, accessibility, and usability.
./with Imagination: As a leader in user interface engineering, Dustin Diaz has a lot of knowledge to offer in this arena.
Functioning Form: Luke Wroblewski’s Functioning Form offers extensive information on user interface design.
This is Broken: This is Broken features a round-up and commentary on user experiences, good and bad.
Adaptive Path: Adaptive Path strives to create experiences that “improve people’s lives,” and they love to share what they’ve learned with others.
Boxes and Arrows: The subject matter focuses on interaction design and other closely related topics, but this blog sets an example because it’s a peer-written journal composed of mainly user-generated content.
A List Apart: A List Apart’s insightful articles cover important issues in design and development with an emphasis on web standards.
UX Matters: This web magazine delivers top-notch content about strategies for improving user experience.
UX Magazine: For this magazine, “user experience is everything.” Check it out for a round-up of all that’s important to enhancing user experience.
Top 100 User-Centered Blogs - Professional Blog | Napoli | Avellino | Dal 2001 leader per i Web Designers Pro -
una bella lista dei 100 migliori siti che trattano user-centered web design accessibilità web standar... -
una, bella, lista, dei, 100, migliori, siti, che, trattano, user-centered, web, design, accessibilità, web, standard...
“Il valore di un uomo si misura dalle poche cose che crea, non dai molti beni che accumula”
Creare con passione, inventare nel segno dell'esperienza decennale, offrire il miglior design al vostro sito-web per renderlo sorprendente durante la navigazione, accattivante, semplice ed efficace in ogni suo aspetto... Arte, creatività e professionalità si fondono per dar vita alla vostra strategia di successo, prima ancora di scegliere quale piattaforma o servizio tecnico utilizzare: se state per progettare o riprogettare il vostro sito web o il vostro blog saremo felici di aiutarvi.
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