design salaries calculator
web design - 14/09/2005
The AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries is commissioned annually by AIGA, with the support of its partner, Aquent, AIGA's official sponsor for professional development, and in cooperation with Communication Arts magazine. The salary survey is part of a comprehensive program of AIGA activities developed to serve the professional designer with strategies for success as well as sources of inspiration. AIGA is the principal source of information on the design economy.
This year we've included a five year trend analysis. To see how design salaries have faired, along with perspective from AIGA Executive Director Ric Grefé, click here.
The AIGA|Aquent Survey of Design Salaries 2005 draws from an extensive pool of designers and others allied with the profession nationwide, and includes responses from more than 3,600 design professionals. It is widely recognized as the most comprehensive survey of compensation conducted in these professional positions. Calculate a salary.
Survey research is conducted on AIGA's behalf by (a division of Readex Research), an independent research company in Stillwater, Minnesota...
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