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Di Admin (del 22/02/2006 alle 21:30:59, in Design Trends, letto 1888 volte)
We have been developing the Emotion Expression Humanoid Robots since 1995 in order to develop new mechanisms and functions for a humanoid robot having the ability to communicate naturally with a human by expressing human-like emotion.In 2003, 9-DOFs Emotion Expression Humanoid Arms were developed to improve the emotional expression. The arms were integrated with WE-4 (Waseda Eye No.4) to develop the Emotion Expression Humanoid Robot WE-4R (Waseda Eyes No.4 Refined) that could express its emotions by using its facial expressions, torso, and arms. In 2004, we have developed the WE-4RII (Waseda Eye No.4 Refined II)by integrating the anthropomorphic robot hand RCH-1 (RoboCasa Hand No. 1) to WE-4R. RCH-1 has 6-DOFs and abilities for emotion expression, grasping and tactile sensing...

Avrà presto anche una versione italiana, realizzata a Pontedera, nei laboratori della scuola Sant'Anna, Wabian-2, il robot giapponese prodotto dalla Waseda University. Una macchina sofisticata che cammina come un essere umano, muove testa, corpo, braccia e mani e, presto, cambierà l'espressione facciale a seconda dei diversi "stati d'animo": gioia, rabbia, disgusto, paura, tristezza, sorpresa. dettagli »