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by Ryan Carson: How to be a successful freelancer, Pt. 1
Di Admin (del 09/03/2006 alle 13:31:51, in Web Design , letto 1336 volte)
Every designer wants to quit their 9-to-5 and ‘go freelance’. And why not? Going freelance means you’ll be master of your own destiny and that’s got to be a good thing. The bad news is that you will be pitching yourself against a slew of designers who have already made the leap to freelance-ville. The good news is that there’s a huge gap in the market for quality freelancers and it’s just waiting to be filled. Follow a few simple rules, and the next successful freelance designer could be you. In this article, I’m going to talk to you about my experience with hiring freelance designers and look at some easy ways you can set yourself apart from the masses