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DOTPROJECT open source project & task managment
Di Admin (del 11/06/2008 alle 12:34:27, in Design Trends, letto 2108 volte)

DOTPROJECT è una piattaforma Open Source per la gestione di progetti complessi e task da assegnare ai componenti del progetto.


Our dotProject Demo can be accessed at http://www.dotproject.net/demo/

ADMIN Access

This will let you do just about anything except administer the users themselves.

Username: admin

Password: admin

Don't reset the password - it just inconveniences others in the short term.

GUEST Access

This is a restricted READ-ONLY USER and lets you see how the permissions work.

Username: guest

Password: guest

Don't reset the password - it just inconveniences others in the short term.

Sito web: http://www.dotproject.net/index.php