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Until recently many of the most visually stunning and functional image galleries, slideshows, and effects were done through Flash. With the advent of AJAX many developers are taking another look at javascript and are producing some very amazing functionality in these areas.
Many of the components that make up image galleries and slideshows are perfectly suited for AJAX. Lightboxes, slides, fades, uploaders and live search are just a few of the many AJAX widgets that could improve the usability of many image galleries and slideshows. Over the course of the last year I've spent some time searching and collecting links for downloadable image galleries and slideshows. Below you'll find a categorized list of all of the AJAX image solutions I've been able to find that were of some use. If you know of any AJAX based galleries, slideshows, or image manipulation that is not included on this list please post a comment of email me. Special thanks to all of the developers who spend their free time writing great code and releasing it for all of us to use for free. http://www.maxkiesler.com
Effettuando varie prove su questi due CMS molto diffusi ho rilevato che Wordpress ha alcune difficoltà nella visualizzazione in alcuni browser. E' perfetto in firefox ma presenta dei problemi con Safari e Explorer. Inoltre c'è questo utilissimo sito http://www.opensourcecms.com/ che permette di provare vari cms prima di installarli. Dal sito http://www.packtpub.com/award sono stati premiati i migliori CMS ed il vincitore risulta Joomla.
The final result, as voted for by judges from The Open Source Collective, MySQL, the Eclipse Foundation, and 16,000 users on www.PacktPub.com saw a tie for first place between Joomla! and Drupal. In the event of a tie, a fourth independent judge would be brought in. This was Apoorv Durga who is a member of CMSPros and runs his own blog [http://apoorv.info/] on portals and content management. This crucial vote ended up with Joomla! triumphing over Drupal by one point.
Ho trovato questa utilissima estensione che permette di visualizzare siti, immagini e altri contenuti in un magnifico modo...
WebSnapr lets you capture screenshots of (almost) any web page. Let your visitors to instantly visualize any web page before clicking. Increase site traffic, click-through rate and site stickiness.
Using WebSnapr from your site can't be any easier. Just use the following URL to generate a thumbnail:
Of course, just replace [url] and [size] to make the magic happen. You can get up to 5 different sizes by setting the [size] parameter.
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