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Di Admin (del 24/05/2009 alle 15:58:50, in Attualità, letto 1041 volte)
Serving up the same old end-of-the-month statistics is stale and outdated. MetaTraffic, a popular web analytics software tool, provides live traffic statistics answering your questions such as what ad campaigns are being converted into buyers. Access web statistic reports anywhere with your web browser. No logfile hassles, installs in minutes Track any type of web page, download or multimedia file. Track advertising campaigns including which campaigns are delivering sales, newsletter subscriptions, etc. Supports drill down reporting with specific visitor demographics and web page access history. download
WebXACT is a free online service that lets you test single pages of web content for quality, accessibility, and privacy issues.
This keyword density tool is an analyzer that calculates the keyword density for a web page, analyzing single keywords and keyphrases of two or three terms. The checker applies the keyword density formula taking in account many parameters, that you can manage with the following panel, and it produces a report with an analysys of frequency and density of main words and phrases of the submitted page. For a simple check of the distribution and concentration of keywords, just insert the URL of the page you want to analyze and click "Calculate keyword density".
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