imaginepaolo Web Design Agency. Un BLOG con tutti gli strumenti e le risorse su: SEO, Web Design, Facebook... Web Design Napoli, Web Design Avellino... Il sito di un Italian Web Designer.
The concept of "jazz" is difficult to define and like any other vague term it can mean anything. Over the course of their careers, many great musicians have altered the concept several times and with each time have redefined this term their own way; transfiguring - suffice it to think of Davis - what was taken for granted, into something new. Listening to the new work of Mimmo Langella forces the listener to smile for at least two good reasons: the first is that it’s about music that’s accessible and capable of being absorbed easily; second, bound up with the first, is that the guitarist succeeds in forgetting all the "grammar" making way for, in the ear of the listener, just its notes. Langella continues the musical journey begun some years ago with the record The Other Side. The jazz/blues influences absorbed after all these years merge naturally into a fine blend of styles on the rhythmic territory of black music roots (with pleasant hints of modern electro-lounge trends), colored with "retro" timbres so warm and "alive" that, when the listener closes their eyes, they seem to be there in the studio during the recording sessions...
Creare con passione, inventare nel segno dell'esperienza decennale, offrire il miglior design al vostro sito-web per renderlo sorprendente durante la navigazione, accattivante, semplice ed efficace in ogni suo aspetto... Arte, creatività e professionalità si fondono per dar vita alla vostra strategia di successo, prima ancora di scegliere quale piattaforma o servizio tecnico utilizzare: se state per progettare o riprogettare il vostro sito web o il vostro blog saremo felici di aiutarvi.
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