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Di seguito gli interventi pubblicati in questa sezione, in ordine cronologico.
Di Admin (del 05/03/2008 alle 18:57:54, in Web Design , letto 1119 volte)

Spesso mi capita di ver usare dei counters per monitorare gli accessi ai siti, l'offerta è vastissima, ma vi segnalo questa lista utile allo scopo:

Non dimentico certo l'utilissimo Asp STATS in ASP e MDB

e php STATS in PHP e MySql

Voi quale usate? Quale ritenete il migliore?

Di Admin (del 06/03/2008 alle 19:06:34, in Web Design , letto 932 volte)
Di Admin (del 07/03/2008 alle 19:12:00, in Web Design , letto 1033 volte)

Perchè acquistare i programmi quando si possono trovare gratis? Spesso pensiamo che il software open source non sia buono per un lavoro professionale invece eccovi questa lista:

  1. Nvu: An open-source web authoring system to rival FrontPage and Dreamweaver. (Linux, Windows, and Mac)
  2. Cssed: A CSS editor featuring auto completion, syntax highlighting and validation. (C, C++) (Linux)
  3. Quanta Plus: A top-notch HTML editor and web development for the K Desktop Environment.
  4. Bluefish: An HTML editor for programmers written using GTK, designed to save the experienced webmaster some keystrokes. (C) (GNU/Linux, Unix)
  5. GIMPShop: The open source replacement for Photoshop. (Mac, Linux, and Windows)
  6. Inkscape: The vector graphics application which may spell the end for Adobe Illustrator.

Suggeritemi altri programmi nei post.

Di Admin (del 08/03/2008 alle 19:14:42, in Web Design , letto 2525 volte)

 Se avete necessità di sviluppare velocemente un sito web eccovi una deliziosa lista di templates:

  1. TemplateNavigator: The largest catalogue of free website and flash templates, along with quality preview shots.
  2. TemplateBox: Over 300 freebie website, logo, banner, and flash templates to complement their collection of paid offerings.
  3. Template Monster: A small but very high-quality set of web, flash, and blog templates.
  4. Art for the Web: 75 freebie templates. Pretty good place to look if you’re looking for something slightly out of the ordinary.
  5. Free CSS Templates: A 206 template strong resource which is frequently updated with new submissions.
  6. Effex-Media: Free website templates designed by designers, this massive list is categorized by website type and includes user reviews of many of the templates.
  7. DotcomWebDesign: Hundreds of free templates, some of which are really top-notch. However, the categorization is a little arbitrary so be ready to spend some time manually searching.
  8. Themebot Design Templates: This site has some design templates, but not very many. There is a good amount of free themes.
  9. Groovy Lizard: Personal page templates (commercial use must buy a license)
  10. Interspire: Freebie web, Frontpage and Dreamweaver templates
  11. Joyful Heart Designs: Personal page templates generally with floral designs.
  12. OpenSourceTemplates: Free CSS and xhtml open source website templates and Web 2.0 designs.
  13. Ricky’s Web Templates: 50+ freebie templates, graphics, and buttons.
  14. Free CSS Templates: A dozen full-featured fully functional CSS based templates.
  15. A collection of business, cars and bikes, and hosting templates.
  16. Template Perfection: 200+ freebie templates with quite a few non-english oriented templates.
  17. TemplateWorkz: 48 freebie web templates, along with some basic logo and newsletter templates.
  18. Zymic: 80 freebie templates (HTML Pages + CSS + Images + PSD Files + Blank Images Files).
  19. OpenSourceTemplates: A community-driven CSS and xhtml open source template design showcase.
  20. Freelayouts: HTML and Flash templates.
  21. Over 100 freebie CSS templates.
  22. Free Layouts: Complete list of hundreds of HTML, flash, and CSS templates.
  23. Free Templates Online: Dozens of easily customizable templates categorized by theme.
  24. Free Website Templates: A large collection of templates that don’t require a reciprocal link.
  25. Six-Shooter Media: Free CSS and xhtml open source templates.
  26. Free Flash Template: Web templates and intros with tons of special features.
  27. Free web layouts with search capability.
  28. Solucija: Free XHTML / CSS website templates already setup and sorted by commercial use.
  29. MasterTemplates: Professionally designed free website layouts along with PowerPoint templates.
  30. TemplateWorld: Free, tableless, W3C-compliant web design layouts designed by Template World designers.
  31. Painted Pixels: Free web page templates, buttons, and background tiles for non-commercial use.
  32. CSSFill: A selection of CSS / XHTML based layouts and templates by Michael Strand.
  33. ThemesBase: Templates organized by popular content management, blogging and forum systems.
  34. Arcsin Design Templates: 22 Freebie XTML and CSS Templates
  35. Snakeye Web Templates: 20 templates with a focus on Dreamweaver and Fireworks.
  36. Steve’s Templates: Dozens of templates, free with link back.
  37. Free CSS templates along with some freebie PHP scripts.
  38. Web Design Helper: Full page templates including the graphics and code.
  39. Webmaster Resources: 25 free web templates.
Di Admin (del 10/03/2008 alle 19:17:54, in Web Design , letto 1262 volte)

Come generare automaticamente layouts e CSS:

  1. CSS Creator: Select the form colors, number of columns, html version, and press a button. Presto, a CSS template for your page.
  2. Inknoise: The layout-o-matic: fill out the form and out pops your CSS.
  3. Strange Banana: Simply refresh the template generator until you get the style you like, then save the page which has your CSS embedded in the header.
  4. Nidahas: A CSS-based form template.
  5. Maketemplate: A PHP - HTML - CSS template generator for two column layouts.
  6. IBDjohn: CSS template generator for three column layouts.
  7. TemplatR: Another easy CSS template generator.
  8. PsycHo: Your own psychogenesis, your own web design template.
  9. Firdamatic: Tableless 2 or 3 column layout generator.
  10. Wordpress Theme Generator: Online generator creates custom unique Wordpress themes.
Di Admin (del 11/03/2008 alle 19:19:43, in Web Design , letto 1260 volte)

Bellissimi Wordpress Themes, Drupal Themes, Joomla Themes pronti per l'uso:

  1. SmashingMagazine: 83 Beautiful Wordpress Themes You (Probably) Haven’t Seen
  2. Kaushal Sheth: Elegant WordPress themes.
  3. ErraticWisdom: Textpattern templates
  4. Scribez: 10 Best Wordpress Templates.
  5. pinkdesign: Free diary / blog templates
  6. The official site for themes designed for Textpattern.
  7. Blogger Templates: A collection of Blogger templates on a wide variety of themes.
  8. Blogfashions: A collection of free Movable Type compatible blog templates.
  9. FinalSense: High-quality templates for Blogger.
  10. WP Themes: WordPress themes all designed by Sadish Bala.
  11. Drupal Theme Garden: Showcase of themes available for Drupal 4.7x and Drupal 5.x.
  12. Weblog Design: A small number of high-quality weblog templates.
CSS Layouts
Di Admin (del 15/03/2008 alle 19:16:42, in Web Design , letto 1129 volte)

Siete in cerca di stili CSS da utilizzare? Eccovi la lista:

  1. Layout Gala: 40 CSS tri-color layouts to help you pick a format.
  2. Free Templates by designer Andreas Viklund.
  3. CSS Template Directory: A collection of CSS formatted page templates, developed and distributed by different designers.
  4. Top-notch web design templates by Ben Meadowcroft, mixed in with a few spoof pages and experimentation.
  5. Mollio: A set of basic CSS templates that that also have some sample basic content to speed things along.
  6. Real World Style: CSS layouts organized by format type.
  7. Little Boxes: CSS template arrangements with quickly accessible code.
  8. The Layout Reservoir: Simple, straightforward, and manipulable 2 and 3 column layouts.
  9. Protagonist Web Resources: A list of 43 tableless layouts to go along with the other protagonist resources.
  10. Glish: CSS Layout Techniques by Eric Costello which have been stripped down to the bare essentials.
  11. FU2K: CSS layouts designed for Netscape 4 compatibility.
  12. Position is Everything: Tableless design resource with CSS bug workarounds.
  13. ThreeColumnLayouts: The ultimate 3 column layout resource list.
  14. ssi-developer: Two column CSS template samples with recommendations.
  15. MIS Web Design: Fancy Paragraphs with CSS.
  16. Ruthsarian Layouts: Freebie-CSS layouts ranging from basic to complex arrangements.
  17. A List Apart: CSS: Practical CSS Layout Tips, Tricks and Techniques
  18. Creating 1, 2, 3, and 4 column layouts.
  19. Particle Tree: Dynamic resolution dependent layouts.
  20. Project Seven: Fluid CSS Layouts
  21. MyCelly: A collection of 16 basic layout templates.
  22. Ideas: 12 free CSS templates.
  23. CSS Library: Dynamic drive’s tableless CSS layouts.
  24. IntensiveStation: A collection of all new basic CSS templates.
  25. IronMyers: A collection of layouts with full Grade-A browser support for IE6, IE7, Firefox, Opera, Safari, and more.
  26. The CSS Playground: Cutting edge CSS demos by Stu Nicholls’
  27. Wordpress Theme Viewer: Collection of searchable themes organized by columns, colors, rounded corners, and other categories.
  28. Fluid 2-Column Template: A fully usable “fluid” template, meaning that the design expands and contracts with the window size.
  29. Avinash 2.0: 12 Free CSS Templates
Di Admin (del 17/03/2008 alle 09:03:31, in Web Design , letto 1671 volte)
Chissà quanti di voi si chieranno: "chi contattare per sviluppare un sito web?", "come fare a capire se è bravo?", "quali parametri usare per definire la competenza di un web designer?",...
Ho trovato questa risorsa interessante da cui estraggo:
...l’unico modo per capire se un web designer è davvero valido c’è un modo infallibile, volete sapere quale è?
Guardate i suoi lavori personali. Solo ed unicamente i lavori personali sono davvero il riflesso della sua bravura, giudicare la bravura di un web designer dai lavori che fa per i suoi clienti potrebbe trarvi in inganno perchè in fondo, non avete la più pallida idea di quante pillole ha dovuto ingoiare per terminare il progetto senza suicidarsi o impazzire, districandosi tra tempi di consegne pazzeschi e richieste bizzarre...

Vero? o no? Cosa ne pensate?
Di Admin (del 17/03/2008 alle 11:32:37, in Web Design , letto 921 volte)
Di Admin (del 18/03/2008 alle 09:30:24, in Web Design , letto 1031 volte)
JQuery è una veloce, concisa, libreria JavaScript che semplifica la navigazione dei documenti HTML, la gestione degli eventi, permette di gestire animazioni e interazioni Ajax da aggiungere alle tue pagine web. JQuery è progettato per cambiare il modo in cui si scrive JavaScript.
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07/05/2012 alle 13:48:56Di gil
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29/04/2012 alle 16:19:53Di antonio
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Web Design Comments Ottimo suggerimento Paolo. Questi template sono molto utili e soprattutto fanno risparmiare un sacco...
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10/05/2011 alle 15:20:41Di Mariella
Web Design Comments Ho vinto qualcheccosa?!?!
20/04/2011 alle 19:26:52Di AG Cube
Web Design Comments OTTIMO
18/04/2011 alle 18:47:47Di paola
Web Design Comments grazie by
22/03/2011 alle 14:07:44Di silvia
Web Design Comments Avete mai provato (vedi link)? Mi sapete dare un parere??
16/03/2011 alle 17:55:17Di Hosting Wordpress
Web Design Comments Partecipo!
04/03/2011 alle 17:19:17Di j4ck86

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Paolo Franzese

Creare con passione, inventare nel segno dell'esperienza decennale, offrire il miglior design al vostro sito-web per renderlo sorprendente durante la navigazione, accattivante, semplice ed efficace in ogni suo aspetto...
Arte, creatività e professionalità si fondono per dar vita alla vostra strategia di successo, prima ancora di scegliere quale piattaforma o servizio tecnico utilizzare: se state per progettare o riprogettare il vostro sito web o il vostro blog saremo felici di aiutarvi.

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